{% extends 'D2ResourceBundle::base.html.twig' %} {% set tag_list = d2_get_all_tag_list(resources) %} {% if app.request.get('page') %} {% set current_page = 'Page: ' ~ app.request.get('page') %} {% else %} {% set current_page = 'Page: 1' %} {% endif %} {% block title %} Migration:Cities - Resources {% endblock title %} {% block head_seo %} {% endblock head_seo %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block head_style_extra %} {% endblock head_style_extra %} {% block page_header %} {% endblock page_header %} {% block content %}
{% for k, v in app.request.query %} {% if k|lower not in ['search', 'tags'] %} {# Theme, Location, Institution #} {# Paritipation, exhibition, education / Johannesburg Athens etc / Rotterdam Museum, District Six Museum #} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{# {% if resources|length != 0 %} {% for entity in resources %} {% set img_name = asset("bundles/d2core/images/" ~ d2_resource_image_name(entity.origPath)) %} {% if loop.first %}
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.first and loop.index%3 == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} #} {# {% if resources|length != 0 %} {% for entity in resources %} {% set img_name = asset("bundles/d2core/images/" ~ d2_resource_image_name(entity.origPath)) %} {% if loop.first %}
{% endif %}
{% if entity.banner is null %} RESOURCE {% else %} RESOURCE {% endif %}

{{ entity.title }}

{{ entity.subTitle }}
{{ entity.description|length > 200 ? entity.description|slice(0, 201)|split(' ')|slice(0, -1)|join(' ') ~ ' …' : entity.description }}
{% if not loop.first and loop.index%3 == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} #} {% if resources|length != 0 %} {% for entity in resources %} {% set img_name = asset("bundles/d2core/images/" ~ d2_resource_image_name(entity.origPath)) %} {% if loop.first %}
{% endif %} {% if entity.banner is null %}

{{ entity.title }}

{{ entity.subTitle }}
{{ entity.description|length > 200 ? entity.description|slice(0, 201)|split(' ')|slice(0, -1)|join(' ') ~ ' …' : entity.description }}
{% else %}

{{ entity.title }}

{{ entity.subTitle }}
{{ entity.description|length > 200 ? entity.description|slice(0, 201)|split(' ')|slice(0, -1)|join(' ') ~ ' …' : entity.description }}
{% endif %} {% if not loop.first and loop.index%3 == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}