{% if account_entity is empty %}
{% else %}
{% for entity in account_entity %}
{% include 'D2BillingBundle:StatementReport:list.itemDetails.html.twig' with {'entity': entity} %}
{% if account_missing[account_name] is defined and account_missing[account_name][entity.getId()] is defined and account_missing[account_name][entity.getId()] is not empty %}
{% for missing_entity in account_missing[account_name][entity.getId()] %}
{% include 'D2BillingBundle:StatementReport:list.itemDetails.html.twig' with {'entity': missing_entity, 'missing': 1} %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Date |
Reference |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
nothing to display |
{% set amount_paid = 0 %}
{% set amount_due = 0 %}
{% if account_entity is empty %}
{% else %}
{% for entity in account_entity %}
{% set terms_type = entity.getAccount().getSettings().getTerms() | lower %}
{% if account_missing[account_name] is defined and account_missing[account_name][entity.getId()] is defined and account_missing[account_name][entity.getId()] is not empty %}
{% for missing_entity in account_missing[account_name][entity.getId()] %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Date |
Reference |
Amount |
nothing to display |
{{ entity.getDate() | date('Y-m-d') }} |
{% if entity.getInvoiceNumber() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SALES_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{{ entity.getInvoiceNumber() | trim }}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SALES_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ entity.getInvoiceNumber() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif entity.getCreditNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SALES_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{{ entity.getCreditNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SALES_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ entity.getInvoiceNumber() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif entity.getDebitNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SALES_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{{ entity.getDebitNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SALES_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ entity.getDebitNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif entity.getPaymentCode() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_PAYMENT_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{{ entity.getPaymentCode() | trim }}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_PAYMENT_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ entity.getPaymentCode() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif entity.getRefundCode() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_REFUND_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{{ entity.getRefundCode() | trim }}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_REFUND_VIEW') %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ entity.getRefundCode() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if entity.getInvoiceNumber() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} 0 %} class="red"{% endif %}>{{ entity.getTotal() | abs | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_due = amount_due + entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif entity.getDebitNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} 0 %} class="red"{% endif %}>{{ entity.getTotal() | abs | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_due = amount_due + entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif entity.getCreditNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_paid = amount_paid + entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif entity.getPaymentCode() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_paid = amount_paid + entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif entity.getTotal() >= 0 %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ entity.getTotal() | abs | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_due = amount_due + entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif entity.getTotal() < 0 %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_paid = amount_paid + entity.getTotal() %}
{% endif %}
{{ missing_entity.getDate() | date('Y-m-d') }} |
{% if missing_entity.getInvoiceNumber() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{{ missing_entity.getInvoiceNumber() | trim }}
{% else %}
{{ missing_entity.getInvoiceNumber() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getCreditNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{{ missing_entity.getCreditNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% else %}
{{ missing_entity.getCreditNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getDebitNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{{ missing_entity.getDebitNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% else %}
{{ missing_entity.getDebitNoteNumber() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getPaymentCode() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{{ missing_entity.getPaymentCode() | trim }}
{% else %}
{{ missing_entity.getPaymentCode() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getRefundCode() is not empty %}
{% if show_links %}
{{ missing_entity.getRefundCode() | trim }}
{% else %}
{{ missing_entity.getRefundCode() | trim }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if missing_entity.getInvoiceNumber() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ missing_entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_due = amount_due + missing_entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getDebitNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ missing_entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_due = amount_due + missing_entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getCreditNoteNumber() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ missing_entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_paid = amount_paid + missing_entity.getTotal() %}
{% elseif missing_entity.getPaymentCode() is not empty %}
{{ cur_sym }} {{ missing_entity.getTotal() | number_format(2, '.', ' ') }}
{% set amount_paid = amount_paid + missing_entity.getTotal() %}
{% endif %}