{% extends 'D2CustomerBusinessBundle::layout.html.twig' %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block head_style_extra %} {# #} {% endblock head_style_extra %} {% block content %}
{% if sales_items.View == 'search' %}{% endif %}

Sms Products

Back to Product Categories{% else %}

Product Categories

{% if sales_items.View == 'normal' %} {% endif %} {% if sales_items.View == 'search' %} {% endif %}

Sales Invoice Details

{% if sales_items|length > 0 %} {% for item in cart %} {% if item.SalesItem.AdjustQty == true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
Sales Code Description Unit Price (Excl) Quantity Tax Total (Incl)
remove item {{ item.SalesItem.Code }} {{ item.SalesItem.Description }} {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ item.SalesItem.PriceExVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ (item.SalesItem.Tax * item.Quantity)|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ (item.SalesItem.PriceIncVat * item.Quantity)|number_format(2, '.', '') }}
Tax {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ (tax)|number_format(2, '.', '') }}
Total {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ (total)|number_format(2, '.', '') }}

{# end of row #} {% endblock content %}