{{ d2_sys_config('sys_orginization') }} {% trans %}Expert{% endtrans %}: {{ expert.title }}
{% endblock title %}
{% block head_seo %}
{% set tag_list = d2_get_tag_list(expert) %}
{% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['meta_data'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['meta_data']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endblock head_seo %}
{% block head_script_extra %}
{% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['script'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['script']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endblock head_script_extra %}
{% block head_style_extra %}
{% endblock head_style_extra %}
{% block page_header %}
{% endblock page_header %}
{% block content %}
{% if app.user %}
{% if expert.chatStatus == 0 %}
{% set pop_title = "I'm Currently Off-Line" %}
{% set pop_content = "Apologies, but I can't chat now. Pls email me for a future chat time." %}
{% elseif expert.chatStatus == 1 %}
{% set pop_title = "I'm Currently On-Line" %}
{% set pop_content = "I'm ready to chat right now!" %}
{% elseif expert.chatStatus == 2 %}
{% set pop_title = "I'm Currently Busy" %}
{% set pop_content = "I'm currently busy with a chat. Pls try a little later to see if I'm free.." %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set pop_title = "Chat to an Expert" %}
{% set pop_content = "Please logon if you want to chat to one of our experts." %}
{% endif %}
{% set customer = expert.customer %}
{% if expert.customer.path %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}