{% extends 'D2BBTransportBundle::base.html.twig' %} {% block head_css_extra %} {% endblock head_css_extra %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block page_header %} {#
Toggle SOAP
{% set waybill_cnt_total = 0 %} {% set kgs_total = 0 %} {% set excl_total = 0 %} {% set vat_total = 0 %} {% set incl_total = 0 %} {% if file_stats|length > 0 %} {% for stat in file_stats %} {% set waybill_cnt_total = waybill_cnt_total + stat['waybill_cnt'] %} {% set kgs_total = kgs_total + stat['kg_shipped'] %} {% set excl_total = excl_total + stat['total_ex_vat'] %} {% set vat_total = vat_total + stat['totat_vat'] %} {% set incl_total = incl_total + stat['total_inc_vat'] %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
AccountServiceWaybillsKgsExcl VatVatInc Vat
{{ waybill_cnt_total }}{{ kgs_total|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{{ excl_total|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{{ vat_total|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{{ incl_total|number_format(2, '.', '') }}
{{ with_selected_form('bbtransport_list') }}

{% for k, v in app.request.query %} {% if k|lower not in ['search', 'page', 'list_cnt', 'service', 'customer', 'ma_acc', 'filter', 'alert'] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Displaying {{ (bbtransport_list.getCurrentPageNumber()-1) * bbtransport_list.getItemNumberPerPage() + 1 }} to {{ ((bbtransport_list.getCurrentPageNumber()-1) * bbtransport_list.getItemNumberPerPage()) + (bbtransport_list.getItems()|length) }} of {{ bbtransport_list.getTotalItemCount() }} records for Partner: {{ company_name }} Imported File: {{ filename|trim|slice(0, 120) }} Period: {{ period }} {% if app.request.get('ma_acc') is not empty %} Account: {{ ma_accounts[app.request.get('ma_acc')] }}{% endif %} {% if app.request.get('quoted') == 1 %}All Quoted{% endif %} {% if app.request.get('early_invoiced') == 1 %}All Early Invoiced{% endif %} {% if app.request.get('adjusted') == 1 %}Adjusted{% endif %}
{% endblock page_header %} {% block content %} {% for wb_arr in bbtransport_list %} {% if wb_arr['pod_cnt'] > 0 %} {% set pods = true %} {% else %} {% set pods = false %} {% endif %} {% if wb_arr['doc_cnt'] > 0 %} {% set docs = true %} {% else %} {% set docs = false %} {% endif %} {% if wb_arr['adj_cnt'] > 0 %} {% set history = true %} {% else %} {% set history = false %} {% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].getAlert is not null %} {% set alert_status = wb_arr['data'].getAlert.getAlertStatus %} {% set alert_info = wb_arr['data'].getAlert.getSystemFinding|trim('\n') %} {% else %} {% set alert_status = 0 %} {% set alert_info = '' %} {% endif %} {% if alert_status == 0 %} {% set row_color = '#F2DEDE' %} {% elseif alert_status == 1 %} {% set row_color = '#F2C77D' %} {% elseif alert_status == 2 %} {% set row_color = '#ADD0D8' %} {% elseif alert_status == 3 %} {% set row_color = '#DEE09D' %} {% elseif alert_status == 4 %} {% set row_color = '#D7F4D2' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if sticky_mode_active %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Manifest', 'w.manifest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Route', 'w.route_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Service', 'w.service') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Pieces', 'w.pieces') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Weight', 'w.weight') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Vol Mass', 'w.vol_mass') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Mass Charged', 'w.mass_charged') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Tariff', 'w.tariff') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Col Chrg', 'w.pickup_chrg') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Del Chrg', 'w.delivery_chrg') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Fuel', 'w.fuel_surcharge') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'EToll', 'w.etoll') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Insurance', 'w.insurance') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Hazchem', 'w.hazchem') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Doc Fee', 'w.doc_fee') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Other', 'w.other') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Sub Total', 'w.sub_total') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'VAT', 'w.vat') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'Total', 'w.total') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'R/Kg', 'w.cost_per_kg') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(bbtransport_list, 'C/Kg', 'w.calc_cost_per_kg') }}
{{ with_selected_checkbox('bbtransport_list', wb_arr['data'].id) }} {% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_WAYBILL_MANAGE') %} {% if pods == true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if docs == true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_WAYBILL_EDIT') %} {% if history == true %} {% elseif wb_arr['data'].locked == false %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].waybillDate is not null %} {{ wb_arr['data'].waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ wb_arr['data'].waybill|trim }} {{ wb_arr['data'].manifest|trim }} {{ wb_arr['data'].routeCode|trim }} {{ wb_arr['data'].sender|trim }} {{ wb_arr['data'].recipient|trim }} {{ wb_arr['data'].service|trim }} {{ wb_arr['data'].pieces }} {{ wb_arr['data'].weight|number_format(0, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].volMass|number_format(0, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].massCharged|number_format(0, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].tariff|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].pickupChrg|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].deliveryChrg|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].fuelSurcharge|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].etoll|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].insurance|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].hazchem|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].docFee|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].other|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].subTotal|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {% if wb_arr['data'].creditAllocation is not null %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].creditAllocation.amountExVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].quoted == true %}
QT: {{ wb_arr['data'].adjAmountExVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].billingOverride == true %}
CHG: {{ wb_arr['data'].adjAmountExVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].vat|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {% if wb_arr['data'].creditAllocation is not null %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].creditAllocation.vat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].quoted == true %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].adjVatTotal|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].billingOverride == true %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].adjVatTotal|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].total|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {% if wb_arr['data'].creditAllocation is not null %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].creditAllocation.amountIncVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].quoted == true %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].adjAmountIncVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %} {% if wb_arr['data'].billingOverride == true %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].adjAmountIncVat|number_format(2, '.', '') }}{% endif %}
{{ wb_arr['data'].costPerKg|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ wb_arr['data'].calcCostPerKg|number_format(2, '.', '') }}
{% include 'D2PartnerBundle::quick_alert.html.twig' %} {% endblock content %}