{% extends 'D2CustomerBundle::base.html.twig' %} {% block head_css_extra %} {% endblock head_css_extra %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block page_header %} {{ with_selected_form('customer_assign_list') }}

{% for k, v in app.request.query %} {% if k|lower not in ['search', 'page', 'partner', 'month', 'year'] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if partner is not null %} Displaying {{ (waybills.getCurrentPageNumber()-1) * waybills.getItemNumberPerPage() + 1 }} to {{ ((waybills.getCurrentPageNumber()-1) * waybills.getItemNumberPerPage()) + (waybills.getItems()|length) }} of {{ waybills.getTotalItemCount() }} records for Partner: {{ partner.companyName }} {% else %} Please select a partner to start assignment {% endif %}
{% endblock page_header %} {% block content %} {% if partner is not null %} {% if partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_ABAFAZI') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_KINGS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_UTI') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_SKYNET') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CARGO_WORKS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_TRANSWORLD') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_COURIER_IT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CAMPOS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_EXPRESS_WAYS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_EWC') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_GAVIC') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_RTT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CELTIC') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CHURCHILLS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_ROWEL') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_BB_TRANSPORT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_FP_DUTOIT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_FEDEX') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_EMIT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_IN_MOTION') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_AD_HOC_WAYBILL') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_ARAMEX') %} {% endif %} {% for waybill in waybills %} {% if partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_ABAFAZI') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_KINGS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_UTI') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_SKYNET') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CARGO_WORKS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_TRANSWORLD') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_COURIER_IT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CAMPOS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_EXPRESS_WAYS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_EWC') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_GAVIC') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_RTT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CELTIC') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_CHURCHILLS') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_ROWEL') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_BB_TRANSPORT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_FP_DUTOIT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_FEDEX') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_EMIT') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_IN_MOTION') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_AD_HOC_WAYBILL') %} {% elseif partner.processorType == constant('D2\\PartnerBundle\\Entity\\Account::TYPE_PT_ARAMEX') %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.final_dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.cust_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.shipment_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.shipment_number') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.consignee_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.destination') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.client_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.start_town') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.destination_town') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.collect_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.reference') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.destination') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.final_dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.shipment_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill_number') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.shipper_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.area_from') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.area_to') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.final_dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.reference') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.area_from') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.area_to') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.cust_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.client_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date_received') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.consignment_id') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.reference_1') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.from_hub_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.consignee_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.to_hub_name') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service_level') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.manifest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.reference') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.client_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.final_dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.sender_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.from_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.receiver') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.to_code') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.waybill_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} Reference {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.origin') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}{{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Date', 'w.date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Waybill', 'w.waybill') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Reference', 'w.cust_ref') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Account', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Code', 'w.customer') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Sender', 'w.sender') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Origin', 'w.orig') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Receiver', 'w.recipient') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Dest', 'w.final_dest') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(waybills, 'Service', 'w.service') }}
{{ with_selected_checkbox('customer_assign_list', waybill.id) }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.orig|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.finalDest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.custRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origCode|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.destCode|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.shipmentDate is not null %} {{ waybill.shipmentDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.shipmentNumber|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.senderName|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.consigneeName|trim }} {{ waybill.destination|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.clientRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.startTown|trim }} {{ waybill.receiver|trim }} {{ waybill.destinationTown|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.collectDate is not null %} {{ waybill.collectDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.reference|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.receiver|trim }} {{ waybill.destination|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.orig|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.final_dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.shipmentDate is not null %} {{ waybill.shipmentDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybillNumber|trim }} {{ waybill.shipperRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.senderName|trim }} {{ waybill.areaFrom|trim }} {{ waybill.receiverName|trim }} {{ waybill.areaTo|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.orig|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.final_dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.reference|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.areaFrom|trim }} {{ waybill.receiver|trim }} {{ waybill.areaTo|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.custRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origCode|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.destCode|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.clientRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.receiver|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.dateReceived is not null %} {{ waybill.dateReceived|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.consignmentId|trim }} {{ waybill.reference1|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.senderName|trim }} {{ waybill.fromHubName|trim }} {{ waybill.consigneeName|trim }} {{ waybill.toHubName|trim }} {{ waybill.serviceLevel|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.manifest|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.reference|trim }}/{{ waybill.custRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origCode|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.destCode|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.clientRef|trim }}/{{ waybill.custRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.receiver|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.orig|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.finalDest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.senderRef|trim }}/{{ waybill.custRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.from_code|trim }} {{ waybill.receiver|trim }} {{ waybill.to_code|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.waybillDate is not null %} {{ waybill.waybillDate|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.origin|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.dest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}{% if waybill.date is not null %} {{ waybill.date|date("Y/m/d") }} {% endif %} {{ waybill.waybill|trim }} {{ waybill.custRef|trim }}/{{ waybill.custRef|trim }} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.companyName }} {%endif %} {% if waybill.customer is not null %} {{ waybill.customer.accountNumber }} {%endif %} {{ waybill.sender|trim }} {{ waybill.orig|trim }} {{ waybill.recipient|trim }} {{ waybill.finalDest|trim }} {{ waybill.service|trim }}
{% endif %} {% endblock content %}