Advanced Package

The Advanced License is charged on a monthly basis and provides all functionality. The only restriction is that the user can only maintain a single contact database and calendar.

For further information on our supported features please click here.

FeatureAssociatedStandard License
Quick Sms:Active
From Contact DatabaseActive
Sms To Number ListActive
Sms Mail MergeActive
Automated Bulk SMS:Active
Contact DatabasesActive (1 database only)
Database WorkgroupsInactive
Sms TemplatesActive
Sms FiltersActive
Sms SchedulesActive
SMS CalendarsActive (1 calendar only)
Calendar WorkgroupsInactive
Import AttendeesInactive
Birthday CalendarInactive
Sms Reporting:Active
Batch ReportingActive
Sent SMSActive
Incoming SMSActive
Delivery ReportsActive
Incoming Sms Processor:Active
Custom ProcessorInactive
Email to SmsActive
HTTP ForwardInactive
Mobile ForwardInactive
General ResponderInactive