Standard Package

The Standard License is free to users and provides all the base functionality to send both Single and Bulk Sms. Automated Bulk SMS from contact databases as well as the Calendar function is not supported.

For further information on our supported features please click here.

FeatureAssociatedStandard License
Quick Sms:Active
From Contact DatabaseInactive
Sms To Number ListActive
Sms Mail MergeActive
Automated Bulk SMS:Inactive
Contact DatabasesInactive
Database WorkgroupsInactive
Sms TemplatesInactive
Sms FiltersInactive
Sms SchedulesInactive
SMS CalendarsInactive
Calendar WorkgroupsInactive
Import AttendeesInactive
Birthday CalendarInactive
Sms Reporting:Active
Batch ReportingActive
Sent SMSActive
Incoming SMSActive
Delivery ReportsActive
Incoming Sms Processor:Inactive
Custom ProcessorInactive
Email to SmsInactive
HTTP ForwardInactive
Mobile ForwardInactive
General ResponderInactive