{% extends 'D2AdvertBundle::base.html.twig' %} {% set seo_img_path = "/uploads/adverts/" ~ advert.getBestPath ~ "?v=" ~ advert.version %} {% if social_shares|length > 0 %} {% set built_snippets = d2_build_snippets(social_shares, route_url, advert.title, advert.subTitle, seo_img_path, advert.hashTag, advert.shareTag) %} {% endif %} {% block title %} {{ d2_sys_config('sys_orginization') }} {% trans %}Advert{% endtrans %}: {{ advert.title }} {% endblock title %} {% block head_seo %} {% set tag_list = d2_get_tag_list(advert) %} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['meta_data'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['meta_data']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %} {% endblock head_seo %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['script'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['script']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block head_style_extra %} {% endblock head_style_extra %} {% block page_header %} {% endblock page_header %} {% block content %} {% if advert.photos|length > 0 %} {% endif %}

{% if advert.advertType == constant('D2\\AdvertBundle\\Entity\\Advert::TYPE_AT_IMAGE_SMALL') or advert.advertType == constant('D2\\AdvertBundle\\Entity\\Advert::TYPE_AT_IMAGE_LARGE') %}

{{ advert.title }}

{{ advert.subTitle }}

{{ advert.text|filterScript()|raw }}

This {% trans %}Advert{% endtrans %} has been viewed {{ advert.viewCnt }} times.

{% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['html'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['html']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% elseif advert.advertType == constant('D2\\AdvertBundle\\Entity\\Advert::TYPE_AT_TEXT_BUSINESS') %}

{{ advert.title }}

{{ advert.subTitle }}

{{ advert.text|filterScript()|raw }}

This {% trans %}Advert{% endtrans %} has been viewed {{ advert.viewCnt }} times.

{% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['html'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['html']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% elseif advert.advertType == constant('D2\\AdvertBundle\\Entity\\Advert::TYPE_AT_PROPERTY_RENTAL') or advert.advertType == constant('D2\\AdvertBundle\\Entity\\Advert::TYPE_AT_PROPERTY_SALE') %}

{{ advert.title }}

{{ advert.subTitle }}

{{ advert.text|filterScript()|raw }}

This {% trans %}Advert{% endtrans %} has been viewed {{ advert.viewCnt }} times.

{% if advert.photos|length > 0 %} VIEW THUMBNAILS {% else %} {% endif %} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_show_social') %}{% if built_snippets['html'] is defined %} {{ built_snippets['html']| raw }} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% elseif advert.advertType == constant('D2\\AdvertBundle\\Entity\\Advert::TYPE_AT_NON_BUSINESS') %} {% endif %}
{% if d2_sys_config('sys_contributor_show') == true %} {% if advert.customer is not null %} {% set customer = advert.customer %}

{% if customer.path %} CONTRIBUTOR {% else %} EXPERT {% endif %}

Contributor: {{ customer.displayName }}

{{ customer.description }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {# COMMENTS #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_comments_show') == true %} {% include 'D2CommentBundle::comments.html.twig' with {'comments_name': 'Advert', 'comment_item_type': 'advert', 'comment_item_id': advert.id} %} {% endif %}
{% if d2_sys_config('sys_related_show') == true %}
{# RELATED VIDEO's #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_case_study_active') == true %} {% include 'D2CaseStudiesBundle::related.html.twig' with {'exclude_related': false, 'skip': 0} %} {% endif %} {# RELATED EXPERT'S #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_expert_active') == true %} {% include 'D2ExpertBundle::related.html.twig' with {'exclude_related': false, 'skip': 0} %} {% endif %} {# RELATED RESOURCE's #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_collection_active') == true %} {% include 'D2ResourceBundle::related.html.twig' with {'exclude_related': false, 'skip': 0} %} {% endif %} {# RELATED COLLECTIONS #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_collection_active') == true %} {% include 'D2CollectionBundle::related.html.twig' with {'exclude_related': false, 'skip': 0} %} {% endif %} {# RELATED NEWS #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_news_active') == true %} {% include 'D2NewsBundle::related.html.twig' with {'exclude_related': false, 'skip': 0} %} {% endif %} {# RELATED ADVERTS #} {% if d2_sys_config('sys_smalls_active') == true %} {% include 'D2AdvertBundle::related.html.twig' with {'exclude_related': advert.id, 'skip': 0} %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock content %}