{% extends '::email.html.twig' %} {% block subject %} {{ subject }} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% if type == 'admin' %} Hi,A customer has generated an order with invoice: {{ invoice.docNo }}. The payment mode is: {{ payment_mode }}
Click here to view the new order
{% else %}Hi {% if customer %}{{ customer.Firstname }}{% endif %},
Please find attached your invoice {{ invoice.docNo }}.
{% if payment_mode == 'EFT' %} {% if provisioned %}Your order has been provisioned. Kindly forward payment confirmation to the following address: {{ sales_email }}.
{% else %}Kindly forward payment confirmation to the following address: {{ sales_email }}. Your order will be provisioned once the payment has been received.
{% endif %} {% elseif payment_mode == 'CREDIT CARD' %}Thank you for your order and credit card payment. Your order has been provisioned.
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}