{% extends 'D2CustomerBundle::base.html.twig' %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block page_header %} {% endblock page_header %} {% block content %} {% set terms_path = d2_content_get_website_terms_page() %}
Pricing exclusive of VAT
Color Banner Large | {{ d2_sales_item_period(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_IMAGE_LARGE')) }} | {{ d2_sales_item_cost(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_IMAGE_LARGE'))|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} |
Color Banner Small | {{ d2_sales_item_period(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_IMAGE_SMALL')) }} | {{ d2_sales_item_cost(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_IMAGE_SMALL'))|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} |
Text Business | {{ d2_sales_item_period(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_TEXT_BUSINESS')) }} | {{ d2_sales_item_cost(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_TEXT_BUSINESS'))|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} |
Non Business | {{ d2_sales_item_period(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_NON_BUSINESS')) }} | {{ d2_sales_item_cost(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_NON_BUSINESS'))|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} |
Property Rentals | {{ d2_sales_item_period(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_PROPERTY_RENTAL')) }} | {{ d2_sales_item_cost(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_PROPERTY_RENTAL'))|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} |
Property Sales | {{ d2_sales_item_period(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_PROPERTY_SALE')) }} | {{ d2_sales_item_cost(constant('D2\\BillingBundle\\Entity\\SalesItem::TYPE_ADVERT_FEE_PROPERTY_SALE'))|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} |
We will be happy to host your advertisments on our website.
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER') %}Please note that you must complete your profile first. Kindly read our Terms & Conditions before advertsing on our platform.
Update my Profile {% if terms_path is not null %} {% if terms_path['slug'] != '' %} Terms & Conditions
{% else %} Terms & Conditions {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %}Please note that you must complete your profile and create a billing account first. Kindly read our Terms & Conditions before advertsing on our platform.
Update my Profile Create my Account {% if terms_path is not null %} {% if terms_path['slug'] != '' %} Terms & Conditions
{% else %} Terms & Conditions {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}You are now ready to place your advertisement. Click on the button below to get started!
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{% else %}In order to advertise on our website, please let us now a little about yourself and the advertisement(s) you wish to place. Click on the button below to get started!
{% endif %}To manage your current adverts, click on the avert and select a action from the popup menu.
Approved: {% if advert.approved %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %} Status: {% if advert.enabled %}Enabled{% else %}Disabled{% endif %}
{{ advert.text|filterScript()|slice(0, 500)|raw }} ...
Approved: {% if advert.approved %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %} Status: {% if advert.enabled %}Enabled{% else %}Disabled{% endif %}
{{ advert.text|filterScript()|slice(0, 500)|raw }} ...
Approved: {% if advert.approved %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %} Status: {% if advert.enabled %}Enabled{% else %}Disabled{% endif %}