{% extends 'D2ContentBundle::base_admin.html.twig' %} {% block head_script_extra %} {% endblock head_script_extra %} {% block page_header %}
{% for k, v in app.request.query %} {% if k|lower not in ['category', 'shoe', 'search', 'page', 'from_date', 'to_date'] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Displaying {{ (shoe_images.getCurrentPageNumber()-1) * shoe_images.getItemNumberPerPage() + 1 }} to {{ ((shoe_images.getCurrentPageNumber()-1) * shoe_images.getItemNumberPerPage()) + (shoe_images.getItems()|length) }} of {{ shoe_images.getTotalItemCount() }} Shoe Images
{% endblock page_header %} {% block content %}
{% for entity in shoe_images %} {% if loop.first %}
{% endif %}
{{ entity.origPath|trim }} {% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN_SHOE_IMAGE_DELETE') %}×{% endif %}
Shoe Image
Shoe: {% if entity.shoe is not null %} {{ entity.shoe.title|trim }} {% else %} Not Assigned {% endif %}
Code: {{ entity.code|trim }}
Color: {{ entity.color|trim }}
Slide Show: {% if entity.slideShow %} Yes {% else %} No {% endif %}
{% if not loop.first and loop.index is divisibleby(4) %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}