Account No Account Reference Payment Provisional Balance
{{ account.accountNumber }} {{ account.companyName }} {{ payment.reference }} {{ payment.description }} {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ balance|number_format(2, '.', '') }}

Invoice No. Outstanding Amount Update Note
{% for form in LinkedInvoiceForm %}
{{ form_errors(form.form.amount) }} {{ form_errors(form.form) }}
{{ form.invoice.docNo }} {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ form.due|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ form_widget(form.form.amount,{'id': 'amount_'~,'attr': {'onChange': "SetMaxValue('amount_""','"~form.due~"');"} }) }}
{% endfor %} {% for entity in LockedInvoices %}
{{ entity.invoice.docNo }} {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ entity.due|number_format(2, '.', '') }} {{ d2_config('currency_symbol') }} {{ entity.entity.amount|number_format(2, '.', '') }} This invoice is locked, as it is linked to from other payment This invoice is locked and may not be edited, as it is linked to other payments.
{% endfor %}


{% for log in logs %} {% endfor %}
User Date Type Changes Note
{{ log.user }} {% if %}{{|date('Y-m-d H:m:s') }}{% endif %} {{ log.type }}
+ See more

{{ log.changes|raw }}
{{ log.note }}