Corona virus News
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READ MOREKushy 2020-03-27 21:31 0 comments
Low cost Housing presentation
✅Update about the RLRP meeting✅
Dear neighbours,
here's some quick feedback on the public meeting that took place on Wednesday evening, 12 February. The meeting was about the government's plans to build low-cost, high-density housing in Bryanfern, including in the Arboretum, in terms of the Rapid Land Release Programme (RLRP).
The meeting was very well attended. Representatives of the project consultants, GladAfrica, presented on various aspects of the project, such as
This News Item has been viewed 104 times.
READ MORERinke Blok 2020-02-17 12:06 0 comments
Empowering recycling in Randburg
This News Item has been viewed 43 times.
READ MORERichard Kushlick 2020-01-30 10:36 0 comments
DWF Donates to Social Crimes Division
Some of the knitted blankets from DWF handed to Sgt Maphanga - Social Crimes Division.
They are so appreciative of this input from VGRA Domestic Workers Forum.
This News Item has been viewed 26 times.
READ MORE12 Tulbagh street , DWF , Donate 2019-07-17 14:39 0 comments
Domestic Workers UIF Meeting
We had a lovely morning. We had 42 ladies present today. Lovely turnout. They were very impressed with our speaker – she spoke that they understood.
Jacqueline explained that only those with SA IDs can apply for UIF.
What was disturbing is that UIF is not as efficient as we would like it to be. Claims can only be made when retrenched, not when resigned and after 3 months of non employment they no longer pay out and also a percentage is taken off the total
This News Item has been viewed 196 times.
READ MORE2018-06-13 16:47 0 comments